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Tutor: Andrew Baldwin

Dates: Saturday 30th of November and Sunday 1st of December 2024

Time: 10am-4pm

6 Spaces available.

Location: AP Studio Brogerddan, Penrhyncoch, Aberystwyth, SY23 3ED


Over the weekend Andrew will introduce you to the creative possibilities of his non toxic etching methods and guide you through two very different processes, including coffee and molasses lift on aluminium and faux mezzotint on copper.

The coffee lift is a process that allows artists to work on their plates with the same techniques as if using an Indian ink i.e. paint with brush, nib, splatter marks with toothbrush. The molasses allows artists to transfer textures from other surfaces such as bark and or use it directly onto their plate plate like a thicker painting technique. 


The faux mezzotint is an alternative to the traditional mezzotint with the same deep depths of tone manipulated by scraping away from black. The advantage of this method is that you can easily prepare a plate in an hour without needing to spend many rocking the plate using the traditional method or buy expensive pre prepared plates. 

Non-Toxic Etching (30th of November and 1st of December 2024)

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